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IvyPaw's Struggle[]

Chapter 1[]

IvyPaw stared at the brown and white feline, names rushing through her head. The cat she was staring at stared back with a look on her face. "IvyPaw?" The cat asked, her head cocking. "Yeah?" She looked up, names still coming and going. "What's wrong?" IvyPaw stopped thinking of names. "Nothing." She replied. The cat shrugged. "Let all cats of LogClan that is old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the High-Stones for a Clan meeting!" The she-cat stood up and IvyPaw watched. "HeatherStar needs us, c'mon!" She said. "Oh, alright." IvyPaw stood up and followed her. They entered a large clearing with a dusty brown she-cat and a white tom sitting upon tall stones. Others sat below the stones, looking up with anticipation of what to come next. "CinderFall, one of our warriors has disappeared. Along with CloudPaw." The dusty brown she-cat began. "We will not put up a search, for CinderFall talked privately to me about what to do if this happens."

The white tom nodded. "We will continue our days as if nothing happened." The dusty brown dismissed the meeting. "So, MossPaw?" IvyPaw began, looking at the brown and white apprentice. "MelodyPaw." She corrected. "Sorry!" IvyPaw gasped. "Naw, it's all cool." MelodyPaw padded off without another word, leaving IvyPaw alone. A dusty brown tom approached her. "Hi there, I'm NettlePaw!" He said. "I'm IvyPaw." She meowed. "Watcha up to?" IvyPaw asked. "I need a nap." NettlePaw meowed randomly.
